Accelerate your tax sale investing with the team, tools, and funding all in one simple membership

Join the Accelerator Program, our highly vetted membership exclusively for tax sale investors looking to scale

"We're looking for partners who want to grow their business, understand the industry, and have a successful model....BUT are limited by market, capital, data, or systems...If that's you....Let's partner and grow together!"

Headshot of Brian Seidensticker, CEO of Tax Sale Resources
Brian Seidensticker
Founder, Tax Sale Resources

The Accelerator Program combines the crucial components needed to successfully grow your tax sale investing business

Accelerator Program Included Benefits
Benefit Check
Expert Guidance. Immediately add decades of tax sale experience to your team with a dedicated team of experts at your fingertips.
Benefit Check
Market Identification. Utilizing our market analysis report we will help identify areas of significant opportunity best suited for your investing model.
Benefit Check
Capital Structure Assistance. Access to capital programs not available to the general public.
i.e. - Some programs allow you to 30X your current capital up to $10M in funding.
Benefit Check
Research Data. Enterprise level Research platform access and 1-on-1 training and optimization to help you 10X your efficiency, so you can grow while spending less time in due diligence.
Benefit Check
Exclusive Tools. Some of the tools include a workflow builder to automate busy work and a drive-by inspection app for optimized drive-by inspections.
Benefit Check
Credits and Discounts. Your membership includes $2,000 of platform credit, reduced report pricing, and reduced origination fees on any capital partnership program you qualify for.

"The Accelerator Program is incredible! It allowed me to scale my invested capital from a few residential rentals to a 52,000 sq ft office building."

Headshot of Brad Norman, CEO of GOGO Real Estate
Brad Norman
CEO, GOGO Real Estate

Due to the amount of time and capital required with each approved member, we have a few non-negotiables for an investor to be considered

Benefit Check
Ethical & Trustworthy. Since this program operates like a partnership. We are only looking to accept high caliber and morally sound individuals.
Benefit Check
Savvy Investor. Well defined goals so we help accelerate your timeline to reach them.
Benefit Check
Experience. A sound understanding of tax sales with some experience in purchasing tax liens, tax deeds, or redeemable deeds.
Benefit Check
Capital. At least $25,000 in existing operating capital is recommended as that will give you enough for the program and the joint venture capital structure for your acquisitions.
successful partnership in tax sale investing

Let's start scaling together

If you would like to become a member of the Accelerator Program please click the link below and submit your application. The total application should take 5-10 minutes to complete (including a 3 minute program overview video)
Frequently asked questions

You have questions and we have answers

What if I don’t know where to invest?
Tax Sale Resources FAQ icon
How do I know if I would be a good fit for the Accelerator Program?
Tax Sale Resources FAQ icon
Why would I want to join the Accelerator Program?
Tax Sale Resources FAQ icon
What is the Accelerator Program?
Tax Sale Resources FAQ icon

Interested? But still have questions?

Reach out to talk through your questions with one of our team members.


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