Sale Details
Yearly in November
State Laws
North Dakota Century Code, Title 57, Chapter 57-28, "Rights of County When Lands Not Redeemed." Each parcel of land must be sold at auction to the highest bidder for no less than the minimum sale price as fixed before the sale. The sale may be made either for cash or one-fourth of the purchase price in cash, and the balance in equal annual installments over a period of not more than ten years. The purchaser may pay any or all annual installments with interest before the agreed due date of the installments. 2. If the sale is for cash, the purchaser shall promptly pay the amount bid to the county treasurer. 3. If the purchase price is to be paid in installments, the purchaser shall pay the first installment to the county treasurer and be given a contract for deed setting forth the terms of the sale. The contract for deed must be executed by the purchaser, the chairman of the board of county commissioners, and the county auditor. The contract must be in a form prescribed by the state tax commissioner. The contract must give the county the right to cancel the contract by resolution and due notice upon default by the purchaser. (Sec. 57-28-15)
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